
Linda has consulted to a variety of organizations and businesses providing her clinical, research, teaching and writing expertise in medical psychology and related areas.
CONTACT LINDA to discuss how she can contribute her expertise to your next project!
What Linda has achieved for others:
Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney
Linda designed and delivered the online module “Assessment and Management of Psychological Issues in Diabetes” within the Advanced Diabetes Management course, Masters of Metabolic Health.
NOVO Nordisk
Linda developed and presented day workshops on Advanced Motivational Interviewing – Applications to Diabetes Management and Clinical Trials participation for diabetes health professionals.
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Linda led a team to design an educational package to accompany ‘Technically Brilliant’, a media tool for refining the communication skills of cancer surgeons.
Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney
Since 2000, Linda has been instrumental in developing and presenting lectures, tutorials and interactive workshops for Year 1-4 students in the Professional Practice stream in the Veterinary Science course. Topics include Managing a First Visit, Breaking Bad News and Euthanasia, Grief, Handling Angry Clients and Professional Burnout.
Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes
Linda made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the NDSS-funded project on Mental Health in Diabetes including the initial research, drafting and editing of resources for Health Professionals in managing Psychological Issues in Diabetes.
Australian Diabetes Educators Association
Linda designed and presented day workshops on Research Methods for Certified Diabetes Educators interested in pursuing research projects as part of their professional portfolio.